3 Essential Facts About Clean Room Molding

by | Nov 16, 2018 | Biz Trade News

It’s a little-known fact outside the manufacturing industry that there are different types of molding for various types of products. If you’re new in the business, you may want to know which particular molding works best for your needs. One of the types of molding is clean room molding, which is, simply put, the process of molding in a room free of contamination.

Clean room molding is particularly handy in manufacturing medical devices and other equipment that need to be made in a sterilized environment. Want to know if clean room molding is what you need? Here are three more facts to get you started:

Equipment needs to be as clean as the environment

As mentioned earlier, a clean room is, literally a clean room with the right room temperature and a sterilized environment. However, remember that your equipment in conducting the procedure should also be as clean as your setting.

Risk analysis is important

To ensure the quality of your process, risk analysis is important. Minimize the probability of contracting any possible contaminants by having you or your partner conduct a risk assessment of the clean room before the procedure. This is a cost-efficient way of ensuring you get the right outcomes.

Find the right partner

It’s more likely than not that you’ll be contracting out your services. On that note, it’s essential to find the right partner who can go through all the procedures for you. Don’t just look for someone who can do injection molding, find a partner who can produce and package your product so you can focus on marketing and conceptualization.


Clean room molding is so much more than choosing the right temperature for molding your equipment or device. A lot goes into the process, so take into consideration these tips for the best value for your money.

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