Frequently Asked Questions About Catholic Cemeteries

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Cremation Service

Before choosing a Catholic cemetery in Lafayette, you may want to have a few questions answered. Here are a few things to know to put your mind at ease:

Must a Catholic Be Buried in a Catholic Cemetery?

While it is not enforced by any entity, Catholic believers are strongly encouraged to be buried on consecrated grounds. There are many benefits to this, and many churches offer burial in a local, connected, or affiliated cemetery.

Catholic cemeteries offer a beautiful place for believers to spend the rest of eternity, awaiting resurrection through Christ. These burial grounds are also peaceful and poignant places for prayers of remembrance and thanksgiving for those the deceased leave behind.

Can Non-Catholic Family Members Be Buried in a Catholic Cemetery?

Catholic cemeteries are created as a sacred space for believers to be buried. However, the Catholic Church strongly believes in the sanctity of the family unit. Therefore, it is often permitted for families or spouses to be buried alongside their Catholic loved ones in these spaces, despite not being practicing Catholics themselves.

Can Catholics Be Cremated?

Catholics have been permitted by the church to be cremated since 1963. It is important to note that a proper Catholic burial requires burial on consecrated grounds and after the funeral mass. With that in mind, many modern Catholic cemeteries offer space in mausoleums or columbaria that allow for the sacred burial of cremated remains.

Is Natural Burial an Option for Catholics?

Alternative burial options, such as natural or eco-friendly burials, may be available in some Catholic cemeteries. This will be up to the authorities over each cemetery, so it should be discussed before choosing any burial location. Natural burial is also only permitted legally in certain areas and is strictly regulated in many countries, so again, it should be extensively discussed with local authorities before choosing this burial method.

If you and your family are interested in a cemetery service in Brownstown, contact Queen of Heaven Cemetery & Funeral Center, a well-known funeral home, for more information.

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