Real-World Challenges Addressed with Medical Product Assembly Technology in Milwaukee, WI

by | Jun 21, 2024 | Industrial Equipment Supplier

For those who work in the production of medical devices and products, the idea of automating these processes might be intimidating or even unthinkable. Why would you want to hand over the production of important medical products to machines that do not have the same level of care and exacting standards that humans do?

The truth is, products designed for medical product assembly in Milwaukee, WI, are making some of the most important products currently used in medicine. Importantly, they are also doing so with a level of error-free perfection that lives up to their lofty purpose.

Still not convinced? Here is a case study of how this technology was used with great success in the last few years – and changed the world in a positive way:

The Need – COVID-19 Testing Kits

In early 2020, the coronavirus became a concern in many parts of the world. As the disease spread, testing kits to help identify cases were desperately needed. Even major cities like New York could not get enough kits quickly enough for the exponential rise in cases. Production of these kits simply was not moving fast enough, and lives were being lost as a result.

The Solution – Automated Assembly

When the scale of need for these tests went from isolated pockets of endemic infection around the world to that of a global pandemic, there was an immediate need for scaling up production to match it. With manual or traditional machine technology, this might not have been possible. Thankfully, automation solutions for medical product assembly in Milwaukee, WI, were able to quickly facilitate production operations around the world. This meant that the same facilities that had been making hundreds of test kits per day could ramp up to making hundreds of thousands – and help to catch and address the disease as it ravaged the globe.

Ready to tackle real-world challenges with cutting-edge medical product assembly technology in Milwaukee, WI? Discover how automation solutions from Big Sky Engineering, Inc. are revolutionizing the production of critical medical products. From COVID-19 testing kits to life-saving devices, their technology ensures error-free perfection even in the most demanding situations. Don’t wait for the next crisis—prepare now with Big Sky Engineering. Visit to learn more and be part of positive change!

Connect with Big Sky Engineering, Inc. on Facebook for more information.

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