Catholic Wedding

by | Jun 14, 2016 | Business

Wedding ministers are very flexible nowadays in bringing  together individuals of the same faith into holy matrimony. A Catholic wedding may be a challenge to plan and conduct as there are great details in this form of ceremonies.

There are many specific rituals to follow to ensure a most revered wedding which would be highly memorable to form a meaningful experience.

Planning Ahead

U.S. Catholic dioceses require at least 6 months’ notice for a wedding preparation in the Church. The relevant parish must be contacted to book the preferred date of the wedding. There may be required some form of pre-marital counseling with the parish priest before discussing on the order of procedure for the Church wedding.

The professional wedding ministers could help plan and coordinate the event from the order to the décor of the Church where certain restrictions could be imposed out of reverence for the Church.

Having a Catholic wedding holds a great significance to the happy couple who wishes to be married in the sight of God according to His original intentions of man being joined to his wife. Holding the wedding in a Catholic church reflects the great honor which the wedding couple bestows to the God of their faith.

The couple would be given the necessary Catholic wedding liturgy for a better understanding of the ceremony and its significance before the actual event. This is to help the couple focus on the true meaning of the most important decision to be made in life.

The Rite of Marriage

The Catholic Church offers different rites of marriage to choose from. The wedding celebration could happen within a Mass or without a Mass depending on the kind of believers to be married. Each rite of marriage could include certain orders for greater significance to the wedding.

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