Starting a Cattle Ranch? Why You Should Build Your Herd With Angus

by | May 14, 2021 | Farming

One of the first decisions that new cattle ranchers have to make is what breed to raise. If you’re farming beef, most cattlemen will tell you that there is no better choice than Angus. Here are three reasons to consider building your new herd with this hardy, high-quality breed.

Fertility and Easy Calving

When you buy a few Angus heifers for sale, it won’t be long before they have calves to raise. Angus females have a long breeding life and are known for their excellent maternal abilities. Your Angus herd will give you fewer vet visits and bottle-raised calves compared to other breeds.

Superior Meat Quality

There’s a reason that restaurants advertise 100% Angus beef on their menus. The breed is famous for high-quality meat thanks to superior tenderness, flavor and marbling. Pasture and feedlot finishing programs seek out Angus cattle to target high-end meat markets.

Diverse Gene Pool

Genetic diversity increases a breed’s health and hardiness, and Angus heifers for sale come from a worldwide gene pool. With Angus cattle on almost every continent, breeders can select from a variety of genetic lines to adapt their herd to new challenges and market trends.

Are you ready to invest in a healthy, fertile Angus herd that delivers high-quality calves? Willer Timber Ridge is a family cattle business that starts in their pastures with dinner plates in mind. Visit to discover their customer-driven performance herd of balanced-carcass cattle.

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