Have you ever stopped to consider just how much money you really save when you join up for membership rewards programs at various online sites? If you are like most online shoppers, you simply sign up to get the discount or the free shipping for that order and then never return to the site at all.
This is particularly true for small websites that offer only a few specific types of items. Often these are items you don’t buy on a regular basis, or it is only a one time order as a gift for someone else. In these types of situations, the membership does give you that free shipping or discount, but it really doesn’t save you money over the long run.
The Big Retail Sites
By shopping with the large online sites that offer literally hundreds or thousands of products that you use and buy on a regular basis, membership rewards programs can really add up in savings.
This can be a factor of several different types of savings opportunities. By carefully reading the terms of the membership and taking full advantage of shopping at the site and any affiliated or partner sites, you will see a noticeable saving the more you buy online.
Some of the larger sites offering multiple categories of items from electronics to sporting goods and groceries to office products and jewelry can easily become your go-to online site. They are literally one-stop shopping sites, and if the membership program involves free shipping you can save hundreds of dollars in shipping charges alone.
The Discounts and Options
While free shipping is definitely a plus, the top membership rewards programs don’t stop at savings and perks with just that offer. They may also provide a flat percentage off with all purchases, with some websites offering as much as an additional five percent off any purchase.
Some sites also give you a comp type of program, where you get points for spending money on their site. These points can be used for future purchases, helping you to even further reduce the cost. There are a few top programs available that also provide gift card dollars or the points system, which is a great way to be able to streamline your rewards program to meet your needs.
Keep in mind that registration for these programs should be free, and there should be no strings attached with regards to the dollar amount you have to purchase to maintain your membership.