Common Questions People Have About Hair Restoration in Pennsylvania

by | Dec 26, 2023 | Hair Care, Hair Restoration

More and more people are seeking hair restoration in Pennsylvania. One of the most common questions a person asks when considering hair restoration is, how common is hair loss? The truth is that 100% of people lose hair every day. It’s estimated that most people will lose between 50 and 150 hairs daily. The difference is that the hair will grow back for an individual with a healthy scalp. However, if their hair follicles have thinned, this regrowth does not happen.

All men will have some degree of gradual hair loss over their lifetime. This is the result of natural aging and changes in the male hormones. Permanent hair loss is not something that just men experience. Women may also experience permanent hair loss.

Another common question is whether or not their male or female pattern baldness results from some activity they are engaged in. They wonder if it’s caused by high-stress levels, the type of shampoo they use, or their diet. There’s no proof linking male or female pattern baldness to mental stress, skin conditions, or the type of shampoo a person uses. Certain medical conditions can lead to hair loss, but usually, if a person has these medical conditions, it is outside their control.

Finally, many people interested in hair transplantation surgery wonder if they are a good candidate for hair restoration in Pennsylvania. The ideal candidate will have healthy hair on the sides and back of their head. These are the donor areas from which the graphs were taken. Usually, men and women with limited hair loss because of a scalp injury are good candidates for this procedure.

Learn how Feller & Bloxham Medical is using their 20 years of experience and their proven track record of integrity to help patients regain their hairline when you visit this website

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