Your hair can say a lot about you and your personality, even if you don't intend it to. For example, clean, healthy, and styled hair can tell your colleagues that you are competent and professional at work. If it's been a while since your hair has had some...
zoe geoffrion
Lead Abatement in Atlanta and Other Cities Is Regulated and Monitored
Lead abatement activities in all states are regulated and monitored. Before starting lead abatement in Atlanta and other cities, a certified firm has to notify the Environmental Protection Agency. The abatement firm will send a notice that includes the start date of...
Two Options for Residential Solar in Bloomington
For many people, a way to provide necessary electric power at acceptable costs is to go for residential solar in Bloomington. However, when a person decides to use solar power as their only source of electricity or to supplement grid power, there are a few things that...
How to Keep Your St. Cloud Business Safe in the Event of a Fire
No business owner wants to think about their business suffering a major fire. Unfortunately, according to statistics, fires happen frequently in the workplace. These fires damage property, destroy equipment and lead to injury and death. It is unfortunate when...
2 Ways Using Software With Integrated Care Pathways Can Benefit You
Do you operate and manage a busy behavioral health practice and are looking to improve patient outcomes? Have you been using standard assessment tools but find it cumbersome to use different systems for each tool, causing you to become increasingly overwhelmed? Have...