The Inside Story on CD Manufacture and Duplication

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Business

You might be considering a free CD handout as part of a promotional event for your company. Or, you may be thinking of selling compact discs as part of that same promotion. But regardless of why you need CD manufacturing services, you might also be wondering what exactly goes into that process.

What Does CD Creation Entail?

Here’s what you need to know – and how to save money on the process for your company!

Most of us have burned copies of our CDs back when that was a popular thing to do for personal use, but what happens when you need thousands or even hundreds of thousands of copies? A typical computer cannot handle that kind of load, and burning copies one at a time would be costly and excruciatingly slow.

That is where professional CD manufacture comes in. A company that specializes in this kind of process can take a master disc – containing the information or music that you want to have copied – and turn it into thousands of identical versions in no time at all.

These companies do this by actually manufacturing the CD right there onsite, using molten materials such as polycarbonate to cast discs from molds. While the material is cooling, it is gently stamped with the ridges and pits that will make it identical to the master disc. This creates copies that are exactly the same as the original – and are of the same high quality.

Need a lot of CDs manufactured for your event or promotion? Whether you are selling your discs or looking for an inexpensive giveaway, you want to keep those production costs low.

The best way to do that is to work with a manufacturing and duplication company that helps you keep those costs low while maintaining top quality. Be sure to shop around while searching for your manufacturer and don’t settle for higher-priced, lower-quality alternatives Optical Media Manufacturing Inc. & Indy Vinyl Pressing!

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